I need to branch out in my usage for all these eggs. So, for valentines day fox and I made creme brule. I love creme brule so if I can master it with my own eggs all the better. It is really funny how yellow everything is that I make with my eggs. Many commercial egg producers do not feed actual grains to their birds--or any plant materials for that matter. Commerical layer mash is mainly animal bi-products. When you feed chickens actual corn, soy, grass, tomatoes, squash, etc. some of the carotenes and other plant pigments come out in their yolks. I am talking bright orange yolks! Also, as eggs sit on the shelf they lose their color. Fresh eggs have brighter yolks in general.

And, the mushrooms keep coming. We ate a bunch for dinner last night and now we are going to let these big ones keep going. In a day or two they will invert like an umbrella in the wind, and this is supposed to be the most nutritious stage for eating. Stay tuned...
what about free range eggs...
do they feed them the same type of stuff you do?
how old are the eggs we get in DC stores...
or you i want to know!?
love creme brule ... it is my favorite dessert!
hope you had a great valentine's!
are you still alive?
what amazing mushrooms! rock on, horse manure!
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